Aluminium Or UPVC? Which Comes Out On Top?

After having an extensive browse of our website, or seeing our home improvement solutions in person, you will notice that the majority of our products are manufactured from either aluminium or UPVC.

White Aluminium Windows

We have enormous faith in both of these building materials and have been using them to craft windows, doors and conservatories for many, many years.

We’re often asked by customers “which of the two materials is better?”

It’s a difficult question to answer as we’d find it near impossible to separate the two. What we do instead is outline the various assets of aluminium and UPVC and let customers make up their own minds.  


Stylish aesthetics – Aluminium home improvements have a very up-to-the-minute look, with a beautifully slender profile. The very sleek style is so sophisticated and brilliantly suited to modern residences.

Amazingly tough – Aluminium offers near unbeatable strength. It would take a serious amount of force to make a dent in any aluminium product as it’s so resilient and virtually damage-proof.

Rich finish – Coloured finishes are applied to aluminium frames in a particular way. They’re powder-coated and it’s this colouring process that helps to make them very rich and really stand-out.


Weather-resistant – We live in a country renowned for inclement weather, but no amount of poor weather will have an adverse effect on a UPVC frame as it is completely weather-resistant.

Low-maintenance – You don’t want to be repainting and repairing your windows and doors every few months or years, but that’s what you have to do with timber windows and doors. UPVC is different though. The only form of maintenance needed is a wipe down with a wet cloth which should suffice to remove any dirt that forms on the frame.

Inexpensive – UPVC is very affordable in comparison to some building materials. But, despite its low price tag, UPVC can really last and will provide you with excellent value for money.


Hold off making a final decision between aluminium and UPVC until you have visited our Frome showroom and seen products made from both materials with your own eyes.







We invite you to join us at our showroom in Frome, to browse our many products in person and speak with our team of advisors and designers about your next home improvement project.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 01373 794000

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.
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